He and his wife, already parents of a child with cystic fibrosis, had gotten word that their second baby, due later this year, would almost certainly have Down syndrome. 他和他妻子已经有了一个患囊肿性纤维化症的孩子,今天又得知将于今年晚些时候出生的第二个孩子几乎肯定患有唐氏综合症。
To be honest, are you afraid of people with Down syndrome? 平心而论,你会否害怕唐氏综合症患者?
You look like you have down syndrome. 你看起来像唐氏症。
Many babies with Down syndrome have low muscle tone, so they need extra support when they are held. 很多患有唐氏综合症的婴儿肌肉缺乏伸缩性,所以当抱起他们时需要给予额外的支撑。
Objective Screening for fetal Down syndrome clinical significance. 目的探讨筛查胎儿唐氏综合征的临床意义。
Clinical Data Analysis of 1421 Cases with Down Syndrome in Perinatal Children 围生期1421例唐氏综合征患儿监测资料分析
Cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and depression) and personal and environmental factors ( e.g.negative attitudes, inaccessible transportation and public buildings, and limited social supports). 残疾是疾病患者(如:脑瘫、唐氏综合征和抑郁)与个人及环境因素(如:消极态度、不方便残疾人使用的交通工具和公共建筑,及有限的社会支持)之间的相互作用。
About one in every one hundred people with Down syndrome will develop leukemia, a cancer of the blood. 大约有千分之一的唐氏综合症患者会罹患白血病,一种血液癌症。
One of the best ways to confirm Down syndrome before birth is by amniocentesis, which uses a needle to remove a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus. 羊水诊断是在婴儿出生前确定它是否患有唐氏综合症的一种最好的方法。这种方法利用一根针管获得胎儿周围的羊水样本,就可进行检查。
In a San Francisco housing project I spent many weekends with an immigrant family from Guangzhou, China. I watched with great admiration how this family cared for their son that had Down Syndrome. 有次,我在一个来自广州的移民家里住了好几个星期,是在旧金山的政府廉租屋,被他们对患有唐氏综合症的儿子无微不至的照顾深深打动。
She's got down syndrome, though. 虽然她有唐氏综合症。
Today the life expectancy for someone with Down syndrome is sixty years. 如今,对于一些患有唐氏综合症的人来说,其生命预期达到60年。
The risk of having a baby with Down syndrome increases with the mother's age. 产下唐氏综合症婴儿的风险会随着母亲年龄的增加而增加。
There was also evidence that Down syndrome was more common among Hispanics and whites, but less common among African-Americans, but it's not clear why. 也有证据显示,白人和西班牙语移民中唐氏综合症更普遍,而在非裔美国人中则相对少见。但原因还不明确。
Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retarded. 大部分唐氏综合症患者都存有轻度至中度的发育迟滞。
Study on Prenatal Maternal Dried Blood Spot Screening for Down Syndrome 血片法中孕期唐氏综合症筛查的初步研究
They also calculated the number of asymptomatic children with Down syndrome who needed to be screened to prevent a single case of lymphoma. 他们也计算了需要通过筛查来预防淋巴瘤发生的无乳糜泻症状的唐氏综合征儿童的数量。
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Mental Retardation in Down Syndrome 唐氏综合征智力低下的细胞分子机制
They believe that this relaxed filtering stringency is an adaptive maternal response and it might explain why the rate of Down Syndrome accelerates with increasing maternal age. 他们认为,放松筛选严格性是一种母体的选择性反应,这可以解释唐氏综合症发病率随母亲年龄增长而升高的原因。
From Down syndrome to autism, the disabilities that exclude children from most cheerleading squads have brought them together in this one. 被大多数啦啦队排斥,患唐氏综合症和自闭症等病的孩子们集中在这一个啦啦队中。
Do you willing to help people with Down syndrome when they are in troubles? 若看见唐氏综合症患者遇上困难,你是否愿意主动帮忙?
Though Down syndrome can't be prevented, it can be detected before a child is born. 虽然唐氏症无法预防,但在孩子出生前却是可以检测出来的。
The name for this condition is Down syndrome. 有多余的染色体。这种症状就是唐氏综合症。
Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. 唐氏综合症是一个常见的导致心理迟缓的遗传性因素。
With a shortage of chromosomes, a developing fetus will likely grow into a child with down syndrome. 如果缺少染色体,一个处于成长阶段的胚胎可能发育成一个具有不良综合症的小孩。
Anemia does not interfere second trimester maternal serum screening result for Down syndrome. 贫血并不影响妊娠中期母血唐症筛检。
You might assume that a label of Down syndrome means limitation, but when he talks, you realize how rich life can be. 你可能会认为,唐氏综合症就意味着缺陷,但患者说话时你会意识到,生活能有多么丰富。
Results indicated that 11 fetuses had Down syndrome. 结果表明有11个胎儿患有唐氏综合征。
Clare has both Down syndrome and autism. 克莱尔生下来就有唐氏综合症和自闭症。
But with that longer life, people with Down syndrome may have an increased risk for Alzheimer's disease at an early age. 但是,随着拥有更长的生命,患有唐氏综合症的人会有一种逐步增加的风险,那就是从小就罹患老年痴呆症。